Sunday, August 06, 2006

from the beginning...

Well... I've decided to create a blogspot for our fabulous family... mostly about EmJ of course! We've discovered that once you have kids you become chopped liver and all anyone wants to see and hear about is the baby! But, that's more than okay with us cause she is fantastic!!!

Let's get to it...

It all began on Wednesday, May 24th, 2006. Well, that's when I started early labor. I won't bore you with the whole crazy story, but we went to the hospital Thursday morning and they sent us home. We went back to the hospital around 3pm on Thursday and were allowed to stay! It was a crazy day there so I didn't get a room until around 7:30pm. EmJ made her grand entrance into this world at 12:50am on Friday, May 26th.

Emma Jane Miller - or as we all know her, EmJ, arrived weighing 5 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Here is our first family picture taken right before we left the hospital... we were sure happy to be going home (and by we, I mean Maren!)

This is our sweet baby girl... 2 days old!

Here she is sleeping around 2 weeks old. We love this position!

This is EmJ starting to fill out a little... about 3-4 weeks old.

Here she is - our big 1 month old! She was starting to smile for real! It was so fabulous when she got to this age!

I think that catches you all up to her at one month... more to come because as I write this she's already over 2 months!!!

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