Monday, May 24, 2010

under the weather... and some fresh air

Poor little Luke was sick this weekend... :(
I'm happy to report that he's doing much better today... still not 100%, but definitely an improvement from this weekend. Isn't this picture so sad?
(psst - there's a new Luke blog below this one with much happier pictures :o)

There was lots of sleeping on Daddy

Saturday was gorgeous... so even though Luke wasn't feeling so hot, we went outside for a little while. He mostly just sat and watched...

EmJ rockin' it on her "new" (to her!) bike from Janae!
For those of you who have a jones for more EmJ pictures, just wait... the next blog will be filled with 'em! Plus... the little lady turns 4 very soon, so you know there will be lots of fun pictures of that too!

He's still stinkin' cute, even when he's sick!

1 comment:

The Shellabys said...

That blog made me sad... and happy... sad for m\poor little Luke. Happy that I get to see you guys soon and be a part of that beautiful Colorado weather! YEA!!!